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类别:招标信息---服务招标  地区:青岛市  更新时间:2020-2-11 浏览次数:13       关闭 | 

提供性价比最高的场地方案, 确保大会对场地的各项需求均达到满足。创新论坛会场和晚宴场地设计,实现嘉宾最佳体验。整体灯光音乐道具舞台座椅控台屏幕展示等现场无误,保证现场流畅的会议效果。会务供应商引入、签订、付款合规,及时验收和支付费用。确保话筒声音无差错、讲台、茶水等后勤服务到位。与会场沟通网络支持到位。规划好时间节点与方案、确保产业规划好就餐人数、组织好所有就餐人员及嘉宾;确保晚宴及餐饮环节零负面,保证用户最佳体验,确保餐饮安全和高标准体验。 搭建: 保证按时按要求高质量完成场地搭建,相关硬件包括显示屏、音响、灯光设备等安装到位和能正常使用。保证视觉效果美观,匹配海尔品牌和此次会议主题,满足用户体验。保证物料延展美观度,材料选择合宜。物料到位、物料不缺位,不浪费。 人脸识别: 参会人员顺利注册且注册体验良好。人脸识别入场顺利无误,第二套预案准备到位。译员资源充足,为专家、集团领导提供及时、准确的翻译服务;现场中英投屏方案,准确率达到95%;志愿者英语术语培训,了解高频海尔术语的中英文,能够利用术语对嘉宾进行访谈。礼仪服务、后勤人员等按时到岗到位。

咨询服务Consulting service



Location:Provide proposals of venue and banquet for the conference in New York. To ensure the international positive influence, it’s necessary to recommend the best solution.



Environment: Provide comprehensive environmental consultation around the conference venue.



Security: Provide security consulting services for conference.



Planning: Provide creative planning for whole process to ensure the international influence.


直播:  提供美国网络直播的相关政策说明、注意事项说明。

Live broadcasting: Provide relevant policy statement and notes on webcast in the United States.



Others:Deal with international affairs and other matters related to consultation.

会务场地Conference venue



Conference venue: Provide proposals of venue for the conference in New York. To ensure the international influence, it’s necessary to recommend the best solution.



Gala Dinner: Provide and implement the location selection planning and design for 20th Sep. banquet to make sure the best effect and experience.



KV design: Provide design scheme for main visual posters and other related materials



Security filing application: In charge of the matters of filing application for foreign police and make sure the success of it.


人脸识别设备:提供人脸识别设备的解决方案,确保参会人员顺利入场,并准备第二套预案(PLAN B)。

Facial recognition equipment: Provide solutions of facial recognition equipment to ensure all the participants can enter successfully, and prepare another pre-arranged plan (Plan B).



Construction:Construct the banquet venue and “summit forum pioneer meeting” venue in the first-class international standard. It mainly includes display screen, lighting, stage design, acoustics, security and reception, as well as indoor instruction, outdoor guide, advertising production, the videos of VIP room and interview room, etc.



Shooting: The shooting and producing of videos; Technical solution for onsite synchronized projection


翻译: 提供中英文投屏译文解决方案, 翻译设备的提供和搭建; 提供中英双语志愿者。

Translation:Provide solutions for synchronized projection in both Chinese and English; provide related translation equipment; provide bilingual volunteers who can speak Chinese and English.



Stationery & goody: Provide presents and stationeries (paper, pen, file pocket, etc.) which are creative and consistent with the theme of conference for participants.



Security: Provide security solutions through the whole process to ensure all the participants can travel smoothly and arrive on time. It’s also essential to communicate the matters about vehicle transfer and security report for local institutions with US side to confirm the situation and safety of vehicles which will involve the communication with relevant local institutions.



Advance report of live broadcasting: Responsible for the advance report and application of live broadcasting in the United States to ensure the smooth implementation of live broadcasting.



Ancillary facilities: Ensure the network and other ancillary facilities installed in place which can run smoothly.



Service staff: Miss Etiquette, hostess, support staff and volunteers in position



Publicity: Provide PR publicity plans and implementation around the word.


应急预案: 提供突发事件的应急预案。

Emergency plan: Provide emergency plan.



Others: Responsible for other matters related with conference venue.

差旅服务Travel service



Visa: Provide visas for domestic participants to the United States.



Trip: Check the air ticket and insurance purchase and provide the best travel plan.



Others: Other matters related to air ticket and visa.



Accommodation: Provide solutions of hotel accommodation, catering, parking and other ancillary facilities in the United States.



Chartered car: Provide solutions of chartered car for airport pickup, tour, airport delivery and security in New York, USA to ensure the safe pick-up and arrival of personnel.

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