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Announcement on Pre-qualification of International Solicitation for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design Scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District
The West Coast New Area of Qingdao hereby organizes the international solicitation for conceptual planning and urban design scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District, and welcomes the qualified excellent teams at home and abroad to actively participate in the registration. The Announcement is as follows:
I. General Situation and Solicitation Content
1. Project Name: International Solicitation for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design Scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District
2. Project Location: North Coastal Area of West Coast New Area of Qingdao, West Coast of Jiaozhou Bay.
3. Solicitation Content: international solicitation for conceptual planning and urban design scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District, including the functional orientation, spatial layout and urban characteristics of the project area, aiming to strengthen the refined planning control of the spatial form to guide the high-quality, efficient, scientific and orderly planning construction and operation management of the district through the systematic design of the layout structure, development intensity, functional composition, project planning, public space, underground space, architectural features, ecological landscape, urban skyline, comprehensive traffic, smart city and other contents of the district.
The planning scope is as follows: it reaches Jiaozhou Bay in the north, Jiuqu River in the east, Jiaozhou Bay Expressway in the south, and Kunlunshan Road in the west, covering an area of about 9.9 square kilometers.
4. Solicitor: Development and Construction Headquarters of Qingdao West Coast Bridgehead International Business District
Qingdao West Coast New Area Ronghe Holding Group Co., Ltd.
5. Source of Funds: self-raised by state-owned enterprises
II. Qualifications of Applicants
1. The applicant shall be a legally registered legal entity or a project consortium of legally registered legal entities.
2. The applicant (design agency or design team) must have the ability to conduct comprehensive planning for sustainable urban development, urban planning and design, architectural guidance and other aspects;provide the International Business District with the overall industrial development ideas, spatial development structure and functional layout scheme, urban art landscape scheme, smart city construction scheme, low-carbon and energy comprehensive utilization scheme, comprehensive traffic organization scheme, integrated development scheme of ground and underground space, urban features and architectural style design scheme, ecological and environmental protection scheme, implementation strategies and guidelines, etc.
3. Team Requirements: applicants participating in the international scheme solicitation must identify the chief designers (not less than 3), and guarantee that the design work is completed by the chief designers, who shall have presided over multiple design projects of the same type, and must directly participate in the whole process of this international scheme solicitation.In addition, the applicant must provide the design team members and their major design achievements and honorary certificates.In order to ensure that the designer has an accurate understanding of the background and related requirements of this international scheme solicitation, there should at least one person who is proficient in Chinese in the team.The applicant who is determined to be the successful design agency shall be able to carry out relevant design work on site at any time according to the requirements of the solicitor.
4. Design agency with experience in the following similar project experience is preferred:
①Have the comprehensive research ability and practical experience of urban design in urban central districts and key areas and coastal areas;
②Have rich design experience in international business district planning, architectural features, public space, underground space ,comprehensive traffic and so on.
5. The applicant (consortium) participating in the project must make a written commitment that it must undertake to deepen the integration technology if it is determined to be the successful scheme design organization.
6. The applicant may apply for this solicitation project independently or voluntarily form a consortium to apply.
III. Registration Method
1. Interested parties please first contact the solicitation agency to obtainWork Program of International Solicitation for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design Scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District.
2. E-mail registration: Applicants should send an electronic registration document to the solicitation agency of the scheme solicitation by e-mail (please indicate e-mail name: Registration Documents of Pre-qualification of International Solicitation for Conceptual Planning and Urban Design Scheme of China.Qingdao International Business District - Applicant Name) before 17:00, August   , 2019, Beijing Time, and complete online registration.
IV. Media Release
This project announcement is also issued on: Qingdao West Coast New District Public Resources Trading Network (https://hdggzy.qdxhaggzy.com/), and China Public Bidding Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com/index.shtml).
V. Other Requirements
1. The applicable laws and regulations applicable to the relevant documents of this solicitation shall be the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
2. The right of signature of the short-listed works of this activity shall be owned by the applicant and the copyright shall be owned by the solicitor.
3. All the documents submitted by the registration unit shall be in Chinese, and a Chinese translation shall be provided if English is necessary. All the documents submitted will not be returned.
4. The registration and solicitation activities will be conducted under the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness. In case of any dispute, both parties shall settle it through friendly consultation. If no settlement can be reached through consultation, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the existing laws and regulations of China.
5. The languages used in this pre-qualification announcement of solicitation are Chinese and English. In case of discrepancy between Chinese and English, the Chinese language shall prevail.
6.The works submitted by the applicant shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.
7. The right of final interpretation of this solicitation shall be vested in the solicitor.
VI. Solicitation Agency
Unit Name: Shandong Shiyuan Engineering Management Co., Ltd.
联 系 人:杨先生     联系电话:(+86)18669823523
Contact: Mr. Yang      Tel: (+86)18669823523
联 系 人:关女士     联系电话:(+86)18561828366
Contact: Ms. Guan      Tel: (+86)18561828366
Address: No. 7 Villa, Yiming Garden, No. 103, Alishan Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City
E-mail: shiyuan_xha@163.com
                                                                                    Development and Construction Headquarters of
                                                                                    Qingdao West Coast Bridgehead International Business District
                                   Qingdao West Coast New Area Ronghe Holding Group Co., Ltd.
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